ipem.ac.uk valuation and analysis

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Title IPEM Home - IPEM
Description Physicists, engineers and technologists play vital roles in delivering our healthcare. IPEM is the professional organisation that represents this workforce. We are a charity with more than 4,600 members from healthcare, academia and industry. Some members help to ensure that patients are correctly diagnosed and safely treated for illnesses such as cancer and stroke through their work on imaging and radiotherapy. Some develop, maintain and manage medical equipment such as MRI and ultrasound scanners, X-ray machines, drug delivery systems and patient monitors. Other members' research and innovation leads to new technologies and methods that improve on existing medical treatments. They provide new solutions that enable people with injuries or long-term conditions to complete everyday tasks. All IPEM members work to a Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct. IPEM’s Mission: Improving health through Physics and Engineering in Medicine IPEM's Vision: Developing the professional, improving healthcare, transforming lives together IPEM's Values: Trusted - The leading voice in improving health through physics and engineering Inclusive - Enabling a diverse and inclusive professional community Progressive - Delivering innovative practice development for the public good
Keywords medical physics, Clinical Engineering, Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine, rehabilition engineering, physiological measurement, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, radiation protection, ultrasound, utlrasound and non-ionising radiation, technologist, proton beam therapy,
Server Information
Website derokas favicon www.ipem.ac.uk
Host IP
Location United Kingdom
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ipem.ac.uk Valuation
Last updated: January 12, 2024

ipem.ac.uk has global traffic rank of 753,895. ipem.ac.uk has an estimated worth of US$ 9,285, based on its estimated Ads revenue. ipem.ac.uk receives approximately 10 unique visitors each day. Its web server is located in United Kingdom, with IP address According to Statvoo, ipem.ac.uk is trusted to visit.

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Traffic & Worth Estimates
Purchase/Sale Value US$9,285
Daily Ads Revenue US$7
Monthly Ads Revenue US$193
Yearly Ads Revenue US$2,321
Daily Unique Visitors 10
Note: All traffic and earnings values are estimates.
Traffic Ranks
Global Rank 753,895
Delta (90 Days) 0
Most Popular In Country N/A
Country Rank N/A
DNS Records
Host Type IP Nameserver
ipem.ac.uk A ans2.cw.net.
ipem.ac.uk A ans1.cw.net.
Domain Name Misspellings
upem.ac.uk jpem.ac.uk
kpem.ac.uk lpem.ac.uk
opem.ac.uk ioem.ac.uk
ilem.ac.uk ipwm.ac.uk
ipsm.ac.uk ipdm.ac.uk
ipfm.ac.uk iprm.ac.uk
ipen.ac.uk ipeh.ac.uk
ipej.ac.uk ipek.ac.uk
ipel.ac.uk ipem.qc.uk
ipem.wc.uk ipem.zc.uk
ipem.xc.uk ipem.ax.uk
ipem.as.uk ipem.ad.uk
ipem.af.uk ipem.av.uk
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ipem.ac.uk Whois Information
Domain Nameac.uk
RegistrarNo registrar listed. This domain is directly registered with Nominet.
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StatusNo registration status listed.
Registrant NameThe JNT Association
Registrant TypeOther
Registrant StreetHarwell
Registrant CityDidcot
Registrant CountryGB
Creation Date1996-08-01 00:00:00
Expiration Date
Updated Date
Name Serversns0.ja.net.